What to Do When You’re Paralyzed by Fear

What to Do When You’re Paralyzed by Fear By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Allison_Babb]Allison Babb

Over the last year, as business owners we’ve come through all types of ups and downs with our economic shifts. Times have changed for sure. Some businesses made it, others closed their doors for good. And still other business owners are hanging on at the helm still feeling the pinch.

Whatever the reason or the trigger, all business owners go through some level of fear – whether we choose to admit it or not. But it’s quite a different story when that fear paralyzes us. Here’s my 5-part strategy for pulling yourself right out of that paralyzing fear and leaping straight onto the path of success.


The acronym still holds true… F.E.AR. False Experiences Appearing Real. Whether it be fear of economic shifts, fear of failure, fear of technology, fear of writing, even fear of success. Whatever the fear, chances are what’s going on in our heads is waaay bigger and scarier than what’s going on in real life. The paralysis begins in our thoughts and in our minds. And if we’re not careful, those mental false experiences begin to feel quite real.

Step right into it

Sometimes it works to simply step right into the fear with a huge “what if.” So what if the thing I most feared were to really happen. What’s the worse that would happen and what would I do if it did? And you choose to problem-solve right along with the fear that is trying to stop you. If this horrible thing happened, I’d to XYZ then I’d do ABC. That helps us face the fear rather than allowing it to keep us paralyzed.

When I was baffled about how to get clients and how to make money, I asked myself “What would happen if I didn’t get clients and cash.” Well, if I ran out of money, I’m pretty sure I could be resourceful enough to create some more money even if it meant finding a job somewhere. Once I had a possible option for the worse-case scenario, the fear didn’t seem to have as much control over my emotions.

Become solution focused

The flip side of my fears around not getting clients and sales was to ask myself “What do I need to do to create the outcome I wanted?” And if the answer was “I don’t know” then the next action was to go find out. And when I found out, the next action was to execute what I learned, and I’d keep on the path to finding the resources I needed. Because the resources you need is all out there. You simply need to tap into them to get the help, tools, strategies, and solutions you need.

Just ONE action forward

With one of my clients, moving out of paralyzing fear meant simply brainstorming on “the how” so that solutions became clearer. Sometimes not knowing “the how” keeps us stuck. Rather than trying to figure out all of “the how” simply focus on the one single next step you’d need to take.

Our minds tend to race so far into the future that it can become a paralyzing spiral of fearful “what ifs.” Forget the long-distance future and simply take a single step or one action that moves you one notch forward… then repeat that. And before you know it, you’re blazing a trail of accomplishments.

Exit solitude

One of the worst things we can do in our fearful moments is retreat into solitude. That’s when our thoughts spiral out of control. There’s no-one there to give us a reality check when our thoughts are freezing us up. So pick up the phone, call a friend or another business owner. Get dressed and find a networking meeting to attend with other business owners. Get onto Google and type “networking meetings YOURCITY” and head on out there. Surround yourself with success-thinkers.

Break the solitude by listening to an audio, watch a motivational DVD, watch an inspiring movie, read an inspirational book or a magazine focused on success strategies, or something that reminds you to not give up despite your challenges. Anything to create a mental shift and stop those self-sabotaging thoughts in their tracks. Do the opposite of what you feel like doing in the moment and you’ll be surprised how quickly your mindset begins to shift. And keep a written note of the things that shifted you. If you’re paralyzed by fear again, return to those mindset-shifting resources to kick yourself out of fear and into action.

I don’t think we’re ever 100% free of fear but we can be free of allowing fear to control our mindset, actions and lives. It is a choice, really. We can choose to not be controlled by fear and instead choose thoughts, actions and people that move us quickly past the fear when it arises.

And now I’d like to offer you the FREE one-hour audio seminar for solo entrepreneurs on “How to Create a Steady Stream of Clients For Your Solo Business” at: http://www.moreclientsaudio.com Allison Babb is an author, speaker and Small Business Coach to solo entrepreneurs at: http://www.GreatSmallBusinessAdvice.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?What-to-Do-When-Youre-Paralyzed-by-Fear&id=3914122] What to Do When You’re Paralyzed by Fear

Published by Carlos Scarpero

From 2013-2016, Carlos Scarpero ran this blog and the Dayton Pulse networking group. These posts are left up as a historical record but this site is not being actively updated. Carlos has since moved on to a new job as a mortgage loan officer. To connect with Carlos, visit www.Scarpero.com